Effective Training Techniques through Employee Involvement
Employee involvement is key to effective employee training. Employees attending training are preoccupied with their own thoughts and problems. Some are willing to learn and some are not. There are those who are open to new ideas and others who resist. How can you get them involved so that they can take ownership of their own learning during the training?
1. Put Yourself In The Learners' Shoes
When delivering training, there is course content to be covered. While this is important, priority has to be given to the fact that the learners are able to receive your content.
What better way than to put yourself into the learners' shoes and ask yourself a few questions that these learners have when attending training:
- What is this session about?
- Will it be of use to me?
- How can I apply this to the real world?
- What motivates me to attend this session?
- Is the content delivered in an